Wednesday, June 24, 2009

i miss it

crescendo the the last measure

so much happened in the last few all seems a blur now...
there were so many moments, times of discovery, as my last two weeks came to a close I started to make closer with my home.

I was in the creative writing class, and by this point we were mostly working on our longer piece--others pieces were funny, and well written....i reworked mine, scrapped it started over, reworked and started over several times before I came across the how it should be structured and what I wanted to saw with it.... but that piece severed as a way to find closer, as a way to focus my last two weeks.

i am at home...sad and wondering what could ever be said, what picture posted to ever really truly give a view of what this time meant to me...

well I guess I will leave that for later, and try to share on a more positive note the last two weeks in Italy.

I will miss this next step...the step were you are exiting the monastery and a ste out onto this street without looking can lead to toes run over or worst...
my roommate kat...she is a beautiful girl! I will miss her, our talks and her laugh!
the last week was a blur....filled with events concerning corpus cristi
it was an exciting time to be in Orvieto, but I was having a hard time being excited for all the events...thinking to much of the things i may never again do, or the people I may never again see...

the sunday ushering in the last week was the Monastery San Paolo Talent show, followed by dinner and sharonna cake then a poetry reading to kick off the week of events, followed by a wine reception.

but earlier that day a few of us enjoyed taking Matt's kids to get gelato...for me it would be my las gelato in italy...sort of sad.
one of the events on thursday of the last week was the sculpture class ceremony and the travel writing class readings. For travel writing we all wrote personal piece built on these sketches we did of local as well as contribute to the class roasted guided to orvieto... the writing class was amazing! It reminded me how much I love english and know creative writing was one of the majors I was considering when I first came to Gordon...i am a little out of doing real writing, and while I know my piece would be considered the best, I am proud with what I acheived in that class. It really gave access to a new creative allowed me to continue the looking I had started in drawing and in painting...but this was a different kind of looking, of seeing, it seemed a perfect continuation of the work that I began in Orvieto.
my class and professor at the reading... this class was really a great class! thank you scott carins!
a quick note on scott (and our profs in general), he is a grad professor at missouri, and he is an amazing teacher...he is really chill, and sort of does his own thing, but he really cares deeply for his students, I did a lot of revised of my piece with could not have gotten there without his guidance. he was always sharing food, drinks and words of wisdom with us. like every professor that came through the program...for a month you intatimately knew them...and then they is beautiful that you could know your professor like that, that they become mentors, and friends, that life stories are shared, drinks, laughs and cries, your work is shared with them, but so is theirs with you....and even though it is sad there is a beauty in the goodbye too, it teaches to not hold back from people even though you know they will leave soon, but to continually make yourself vulnerable. with every hello there is a goodbye, and that at times may be sad, but the process is beautiful.
i must saw that i will miss these two gurls.... haha! the jane austin movies, the gummies, the cooking, the crepes, the laughs, the times spent laying in bed, bones... the list goes on...and it goes deep beyond the surface of things...

i will pause the stories to say I know I am giving snap shots...believe...ask me about anything from my experience and i will talk your ears off, but there is so much to tell...and so manythings that have happened since that I want to tell....i have so many post I want to write.... haha! oh well....


after this get together...we all went up to the Doll's appartment for a final Doll open house (my professor/program onsite director and his wife, sharonna, and there three children, silas, ronan, ciara)
matt is an amazing cook! he is always making delicious food, and sharonna is always coming up with the most delicious cakes...and i will through out there that I don't like cake that much, so for me to keep coming back for more most mean it is pretty amazing! haha

a few of us went early to help prepare food and more drifted in to play with the kids.

matt made his yummy tomato salad... and his chili, but for us vegitarians he made a roast vegitable soup that was so delicious! i ate quite a bit of soup those next few days... haha.
but after food and drink was shared we all gathered to watch a video erin and riel made of the trip, it was really great that they took the initiative to do that, i really appreciated it!
at the end of the night...brown bear says it best...