Monday, March 30, 2009

a weekend in roma

Our first weekend in drawing was spent in Rome! We stayed in a few apartments all fairly close to one another. From the window of my apartment you could see a little piazza that had a market every morning, fresh fruit!

The weekend was one of seeing and drawing.

some sweet graffiti

we went to the vatican museum, a ton of churches and walked everywhere.

i fell in love with piazza navona! and this trip really reminded me just how much i love rome! i loved getting to see it at night again too!
one of my favorite parts was the whole group sitting in a big circle in the middle of a piazza, all facing out and a 360 view! it was really fun and we got a lot of attention! haha!
the lovely jana papp
and here is my feet.....i love feet pictures.....
wicked cool bending tree
the soccer store...the place to buy tickets... i will most assuredly will be going to a game!

the optical illusion

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